How does Test Automation play an important role in software development?

How does Test Automation play an important role in software development

In simple words, Test Automation has an important role in software development makes us understand also software testing as a method of determining whether the existing software meets expectations and ensuring that it is devoid of defects. Software testing encompasses running the software or system components through their paces via manual or automated tools to evaluate their properties of interest.

In addition, the primordial goal of software testing is to find errors, gaps, and missing requirements in the product vis-à-vis its actual mandates. There are two distinct types of software application tests – manual and automation testing, and we will be concentrating on the latter. As the name suggests, manual testing is the process of testing the software manually, wherein the tester compiles the software and performs examinations from the vantage point of a user. Automation testing is the co-option of external software to control the execution of the software being developed. It is undeniable that automation plays an important role in software development.

In other words, most of the testers opts for test automation to curb repetitive tasks and other tasks that they cannot perform manually. Therefore, It is instrumental in speeding up the testing process of software development also diving into the importance of automation in software development, let us touch upon some of its facts.

Approaches to Automation in Software Development

There are two main approaches to automation testing for software development –

1. Code Driven

It entails focusing mainly on the execution of test cases to find out if the various sections of code operate according to their mandates. As the name suggests, the code-driven approach to test automation role is all about the fundamentals and nuances of codes. It is a popular method in Agile Software Development.

2. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Testing

Firstly this method is used for applications with GUI’s secondly testers can record the users’ actions and analyze them as and when required. The test cases can be written in different programming languages like Java, Python, C ++, etc.

Types of Test Automation

Some of the typical ways experts conduct automation testing for software are –

1. Functional Testing

It centers on the application’s functionality and therefore the testers need to evaluate whether the core functions of the concerned software have optimal performance.

2. Compatibility Testing

For instance, this entails concentrating on the non-functional aspects of the software. As the name suggests, compatibility testing measures software compatibility against particular hardware, network, and software requirements.

3. Regression Testing

Testers opt for regression testing to examine a recent update in the code has changed the existing features of the software or not. As regression tests are mundane and also repetitive, automation is the best way to go about them. As we have talked about the essentials of test automation let us do detail about its advantages.

Test Automation an important role in software development

How Test Automation Plays an Important Role in Software Development: A Crisp Overview 

As we have already mentioned, automation plays an important role in software development by streamlining and speeding up the process. Similarly, automation has reduced the amount of human intervention in software testing. Some of the veritable merits of test automation are –

1. Cost-effectiveness – an important role in software development

Most importantly an automated test environment reduces the overall cost of testing software. We have to acknowledge that the cost of installing and implementing automation is relatively high, companies can save a considerable amount of money per hour after transitioning test Automation an important role in software development.

2. Better Test Coverage – an important role in software development

Manual testing means rigid limitations on the number of tests that a tester can verify, automation provides engineers the free pass to write new tests and also incorporate them into the automated suite. The process opens up development time, and also businesses can opt for consistent testing. 

3. Accurate Reporting – an important role in software development

It is a well-known phenomenon within the coding community that cluttering. someone else’s code or manual testing session is like axing one’s leg. Firstly, coders leave comments the so tester has to read each line of code before starting a new session. In such a context of chaos, automation comes into the picture. After that test automation enables testers and engineers to recognize what their previous counterparts have done, the kind of tests performed, and the bugs found and fixed. It leads to accurate reporting. Test Automation an important role in software development.

Test Automation an important role in software development

4. Efficient Cross Browser Testing – an important role in software development

Redundancy is a significant problem for manual software testing, as it does not support cross-browser testing. Subsequently, It can run the same tests on several browsers at the same time and adapt its test markets for software changes. Moreover, with the help of automated testing, it is possible to perform the necessary number of tests in a short period of time for a variety of operating systems.

5. Immaculate Re-usability of Test Suite – an important role in software development

With no software, manual testing is almost impossible to imitate. You may reuse and also build up your testing suites for nearly any project, no matter how big or little.

6. Optimisation of Testing Resources – an important role in software development

Test automation role is integral and indispensable for software development in the current times so it cannot entirely take the place of manual testing. Meanwhile, automation acts as a supportive pillar and frees up the tester’s time that they can invest their energy and hours in forming new test cases.

7. Shorter Testing Period – an important role in software development

Software development teams may have to spend several months conducting manual testing, depending on the intricacy of the code they’re working on. Also, It reduces the amount of time spent on test implementation by several days, weeks, or even months.

8. Bug Fixes Prior to the Implementation Stage

Firstly, To complete a project on time, all software development teams have stringent deadlines. On the other hand, depending on manual testing can jeopardize the process, and it would be impossible to complete the project on time also Hurried development cycle results in poorly produced and executed software with bugs, glitches, and dead links. Test Automation Role provides software development teams the much-needed time to correct their code before launch.

As we have discussed In conclusion the top eight reasons of how Test automation role plays an important role in software development. 

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